Need drug abuse help please?
Question by 16 year old: Need drug abuse help please?
I am a 16 year old kid, and I smoke weed probably every 1 – 2 days. I have been doing so for the past 7 months. I want to quit and live life like how it used to be.. Things are so much different when you smoke weed every time you want to do something. My weed dependence makes everything look so much more dull. I remember my life before i ever smoked, and everyday i felt so much more alive and happy with doing the littlest things. Me and my friends would run around in ninja costumes and make funny videos, now we sit there and watch tv until the next high comes along. Smoking weed has caused me to make tons of other bad decisions also, such as magic mushrooms, cough medicine, dramamine, and ecstacy (once and it didn’t work). All I want is to be sober all of the time, I CANNOT do it cold turkey, or at least i can assume that. I am going to start smoking cigs to help me quit my weed habit. Soon after that I will quit smoking. Should I quit smoking weed? Or should i enjoy it while im young?
Best answer:
Answer by Pat K
You KNOW your life was better without it and a lot SAFER too, because of the rest of those bad decisions.
DO NOT start smoking cigarettes, thinking they will help! They will make it worse and that habit is actually harder to stop.
What you REALLY need is some NEW FRIENDS!
This group has turned into a bunch of bummers. Get out of there and find some people who enjoy REAL life! If you fill you life with activity and fun you will no longer desire the weed and will move on to a more mature and fulfilling life.
Good For YOU!!!!! Now GO!!!!!!!!
Answer by newbee
dont og to cigs they are worse on your health than weed and way harder to quit….go totally cold turkey..join a youth program at a local church..join a support group for addiction recovery and do it now before u waste the youth of your life on getting high and ruining your body forever…get a partime job, go hang at walmart and play new games go to game shops and play them there..go hang at the mall and cinema..just go places and hang with your friends or make totally new ones if they dont want to get off the juice. talk 2 ur school counselor to get into a help program!
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