need advice and help online game addiction?

Question by GrimeDaily: need advice and help online game addiction?
one of my closest friend is having an addiction on a virtual game called second life… He is 23 still young and now his in depression coz apparently he was having a relationship with sum woman from canada and his from the uk… The woman he fell for is married and got kids and also i told him to leave this crap ur killing ur life but he aint listening.. Now apparently the woman cheated on him in the game and now his all over the place im tryin ma best to make him aware how ridicilous this sounds but it aint helpin… Any suggestions? Dont u lot think this is stupid?

Best answer:

Answer by Baller187
yea thats funny, he’s got some issues, take him out to some bars, meet some real people

Answer by Steve
MAke him go outside.

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