I have lost my friend to an online chat addiction?
Question by Blah Blah Blah: I have lost my friend to an online chat addiction?
We used to talk all the time and were so close…we dated too. He has always struggled with not fitting in and being socially awkward…until he found a chat room. Now that’s all he wants to do! He used to be so focused on playing guitar but now he barely leaves his house and when he does he can’t wait to get back home. He is 16 and also goes to school online…he let the few friendships he did have in real life go. I don;t think he believes there’s a problem because he is so happy to have found a group of ppl who are always there 24/7 and all he has to do is type. He even has gf’s from this chat room…none of these ppl he has ever met in real life. It’s like he prefers it this way and spends more than 10 hours a day online. He has also suffered from depression and still does I guess…..is there much I can do if he doesn’t want to change? He barely acknowledges me anymore….what are the effects of this if he doesn’t change? Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Kimmy
I was the exact same at 16. Just try to support him and be friends with him at school, and join in his chat rooms with him. If you can’t do that, then call him when he’s home.
I don’t have friends anymore which is a very sad thing, so just try to be supportive. If you aren’t he’ll probably just push you away.
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