Where is Outpatient Drug Treatment for Teens in the North Austin, TX area that takes Medicaid?
Question by XZiLLr8: Where is Outpatient Drug Treatment for Teens in the North Austin, TX area that takes Medicaid?
I’d like to find a Teen Treatment Program that’s more than just 1 hour a week of counseling– I’m looking for a full program that includes 12 steps, educational sessions, group therapy, and individual counseling. I’m looking for a program that’s located in the North Austin area (or Round Rock, Cedar Park, Georgetown area). I came across a treatment center called Sandstone Healthcare (that offered 6 week/10 hours a week treatment program AND accepted Medicaid), but it appears they are out of business.
Best answer:
Answer by Brian Combs
I believe Austin Recovery has an outpatient program. They’re located near Highway 290 and Highway 183.
Disclosure: They’re a former client of mine, but I’m not currently working with them.
Outpatient Drug Therapy | Rehab After Work | Paoli, PA (610) 644-6464 — Do you need to take the first step in living a substance abuse free life? http://rehabafterwork.com/index.html Rehab After Work (RAW) is a licensed outpatien…
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What to do about my raging alcoholic father?
Question by casey: What to do about my raging alcoholic father?
I moved out of my parents house when I was about 19, I grew up with my dad being a raging alcoholic, he’s since had a few DUI’s one of them right before Christmas last year, he has been drinking more heavily lately and closet drinking with vodka, he is very intense and verbally abusive to my mother, they are both close to 60 yrs old, he has struck her in the past, he is also addicted to ambian, I talked to him on the phone about why he is doing this to everybody and he says he doesn’t want to feel, I’m not sure what that means, my mother has been hiding some of this to keep me from getting involved because if I’m to go over to their house I’d go to jail and I can’t be selfish and be taken away from my family, the passed few days he’s been in and out of the hospital for drinking and taking too many ambian, he is self destructing and my mother refused to call the police because she doesn’t have any money since the DUI court date is coming up, I don’t know what to do.
Best answer:
Answer by Caramel B.
Sounds like you have a lot going on with the family to be so young. I would listen to your mom’s advice. Else you will go to jail. It’s not worth it. Just try to avoid trouble and stay cler and clean as you can. The less you get involved the more it sounds like you will be out of trouble. So, just be safe and think before you act and I think you will be fine. As for your dad, he is your dad, unforunately he is an alcoholic and that neabs he has troubles that he cabnnot handle.So, don’t hate him. he need s help, but you cannot help him. He has to want to help himself and get treatment for his addiction. I wish you the best.
Answer by Pearl L
he might end up in jail once the court date comes up
Lancaster PA Drug & Alcohol Rehab 717-715-0516 — http://Lancaster.alcoholdrugrehabpa.org Lancaster PA Addiction Help Today 717-715-0516 Searching for a in patient drug rehab? Call us for more info regarding…
Targeted therapies and hormonal therapy?
Question by Rob: Targeted therapies and hormonal therapy?
I hear they are now trying to use targeted therapies and hormonal therapy in medicine and is 10 to 15 out?
How does this work? And they say in the future they are going to use targeted therapies and hormonal therapy in medicine .
Best answer:
Answer by saravanan
Cancer treatment, (i mean chemotherapy here, let alone surgery and radiotherapy) is difficult because you cannot simply TARGET your drug to act only on cancer cells.
cancer cells are not any different from our body cells, they just multiply at abnormal rate, and grow and spread UNCONTROLLED because they LOST certain Molecular BRAKES that normally regulate growth and cell division.
so, our anti cancer drugs (and also radiation) loosely aim at rapidly dividing cells, so they kill cancer cells as well as some normal cells that also divide rapidly like blood forming cells of bone marrow, and cells in our intestines.
Thus if you give chemotherapy at FULL DOSE, we can really CURE cancer, but the patient will die of bone marrow problem and diarrhoea. Hence they are called DOSE-LIMITING TOXICITIES. i.e. conventional chemotherapy is given in maximum tolerable doses, which are unfortunately not curative in all cases.
Thus we searched for properties that are unique for cancer cells, and not present in normal cells.
The breakthrough came in CML, a kind of blood cancer, that contains a unique “Philadelphia chromosome” that normal cells dont have. We produced IMATINIB (Gleevec) that TARGETS a unique protein that comes from this chromosome (and this protein causes this cancer) and BINGO !!!! it revolutionised cancer treatment forever and thus TARGETED THERAPY is born. [Terms like pre-imatinib and post-imatinib ERA can be found in oncology books!!!]
After extensive research into what genetic variations cause different cancers, we found that these variations also produce unique proteins (genes are ultimately translated to proteins that does the job of the gene), and we produced drugs against these proteins. Such drugs are essentially antibodies against the target proteins produced by genetic engineering. They have a common suffix -mab (monoclonal antibody) e.g. Rituximab, Alemtuzumab, etc.
These monoclonal antibodies, are the basis of targeted therapy, are remarkably (not totally) safe in their approach and very effective. Many are under trial some have come out.
Sexual organs like prostate of male, breast uterus of female depend on SEX HORMONES e.g. Testosterone and Progesterone/Estrogen for their growth. So cancers arising out of these organs (even though they lost their molecular brakes) still depend on some extent on the hormones for their growth. So we made drugs to block their hormone RECEPTORS, this only prevents their growth but not cure or even shrink such tumors. So we use this hormonal therapy only as adjunct, e.g. after surgery to prevent the growth of tumor cells that are seeded during surgery, in patients who are far too old to tolerate other potentially curative modalities.
Both these fields are growing at an explosive rate !!! and are finding applications for other diseases also, but the basis is simple
1. Targeted therapy is Antibodies against unique proteins expressed on surface of cancer (or other diseased) cell.
2. Hormonal therapy (as far as cancer is concerned) is Anti-sex-hormone !!!
Some geniuses have also attached our usual drugs to such antibodies that would add some killer instinct to the antibody (because, as you might know, antibodies by themselves are not destructive, seek the help of our immune cells to destroy their target) but would prevent collateral damage(of the usual drug) to bone marrow and intestine.
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Prescription Drugs?
Question by flin_toba: Prescription Drugs?
I am wondering if there is anything out there that would help me. I cant sleep at night, I cant wake up in the morning, I dont have any energy throughtout the day, I have so many stresses that i just let eat at me. And I just want something that would help me out with this until I can do it on my own. I dont want something that would make me feel “high” either. I do not take any drugs right now, prescription or recreational. I just am looking for some names so I can research them before i go to the doctors. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Bill R
NewsTarget.com printable article
Originally published April 8 2005
Melatonin works as sleep aid in small doses, study confirms; but commercially available pills have too much of the supplement
by Mike Adams
Many people are skeptical that the dietary supplement melatonin actually helps induce sleep as advertised. But a study at the Massachusetts’s Institute of Technology confirms that the substance can actually be a good sleep aid – when taken in small doses.
About 0.3 milligrams of melatonin will help a person fall asleep, and it also makes it easier to return to sleep after waking up.
But researchers found that, in larger amounts — such as those offered in most commercially available pills — the supplement works for only a few days. After a person’s brain has been exposed to too much melatonin, it quickly becomes immune to the substance’s restful effects, the study says.
Misuse of the hormone had led some to question its efficacy, but the latest work (published in the February issue of Sleep Medicine Reviews) could jump-start interest in the dietary supplement and help more people get a good night’s sleep.
In earlier research, scientists led by Professor Richard Wurtman, principal investigator for the current study, showed that only a small dose of melatonin (about 0.3 milligrams) is necessary for a restful effect.
The researchers also found, however, that commercially available melatonin pills contain 10 times the effective amount.
And at that dose, “after a few days it stops working,” said Wurtman, director of MIT’s Clinical Research Center and the Cecil H. Green Distinguished Professor.
As a result of these inadvertent overdoses, “many people don’t think melatonin works at all,” said Wurtman, who is also affiliated with the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.
This belief, coupled with potentially serious side effects related to high doses such as hypothermia, has earned the hormone a bad reputation in some quarters–“and something that could be very useful to a lot of people isn’t,” said Wurtman, who said that he and his wife have been taking melatonin every night for about a year now.
To determine conclusively whether melatonin works or not, the scientists in the current study analyzed 17 peer-reviewed scientific papers about the hormone.
“A meta-analysis essentially tells ‘yes’ or ‘no’–that a treatment does or does not have a significant effect,” Wurtman said.
Because the FDA defined the hormone as a dietary supplement, however, manufacturers were free to sell it in much higher dosages, “even though we knew they wouldn’t work,” Wurtman said.
“People who knew that small doses were best often bought the high-dose pills, then divided them with a knife,” Wurtman said.
Answer by angela
try to drink milk before sleeping istead of drinking sleeping tablets bcoz sometimes your body used already to some drugs thats why maybe no effects.make used of some naturals, like fruits, juices, vegetables etc.or eat light food in the evening maybe your metabolism is slow thats why you feel heavy when your wake up in the morning.and have exercise or read some book or watch tv to feel your eyes tired ang go sleep.
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