so i need some help with my parents and drug abuse?

Question by rintin: so i need some help with my parents and drug abuse?
ok, so i am a 15 year old living with both of my parents. long story short: my relationship with my parents is not so pleasant AT ALL, and it never has been. (especially my dad) i have been told by many (other adults, peers, family) that my parents are lazy, disrespectful, and abusive to me….im just going to leave it at that. they have almost been divorced about 3 times. but anyways, they smoke pot EVERY DAY..atleast 3 times a day. and i am thinking they do it to simply tolerate eachother, and i have noticed that when they are not high, that they are very easily angry, and rude. i mean, to a point where it is rediculous. and i ofcourse do not have a great past of my own, but i have definatly learned to not let them get to me and cause my depression to make me do stupid things.

anyways, i was wondering, is it illegal to be smoking pot (and somewhat alcoholic) when there is a child in the house? and i really think that this is affecting there actions and attitude towards me. i mean seriously….i CANT WAIT TO MOVE OUT.
also, my boyfriend that i have been with for 8 months, and his parents have told me to leave the house…..but i dont know if it is really nessesary?

Best answer:

Answer by mikitiki123
I honestly think you should sneak out and live with your boyfriend. I mean, that’s what I would do. But you need to do what you think is right.

Answer by Narcotixx
seriously move out.
and they can only get in trouble in there caught with possession.
you have a whole life to live, live it your way and free of bullshit.

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