Why Drug Addiction Is So Huge In Ireland?

Question by YaroElf: Why Drug Addiction Is So Huge In Ireland?
Just simple curiosity…

I stumbled upon an article from some Irish website that claimed that in 2011 80% of

Irish drink beer daily or once in two days. An average pub crawl night for an Irish is 3L of beer or more.

Also it claimed that 50% of Northern Irish teens between ages 12-21 use illegal drugs daily

and consume 5+ beers each Friday.

What source did this information could be coming from? Is that even true?

Coming from my personal experience, when I went to High School in Canada, 99% of my underage friends did numerous illegal drugs daily and got drunk at least once in 48hours (till some began to puke) in the parks, inside dark movie theaters, house parties, during the school lunch, and after school at 4:20. I thought it was all normal. Next I had to move for my Grade12 to another High School ’cause my family moved, and I was surprised that in the new place 90% never had a beer or a cigarette. I was shocked. Next year I went to College and I was very surprised that most on campus didn’t use drugs or alcohol as much as I experienced back in the first High School. I guess I went to a ghetto High School. Of course over 50% of my ex-friends from the past didn’t go to College. I’m not showing off. I’m curious about Drug Problems In Ireland.
I’m talking here about NORTHERN IRELAND

According to the article posted in Sept. 2011 UN announced according to the statistic that Ireland has the 1st place in Europe in Alcohol consumption and Drug problems(mostly Cannabis, LSD, Heroine). I know what an addiction means and the article specifically said that 80% of Northern Irish drink every day or once in two days forever. If you r an Irish, don’t be offended because Russia and Ukraine and Crezh Republic and Poland and China have much worse drug/alcohol problems.

Now should I move to Ireland? I love beer….
Oh yes I forgot to add: apparently the cannabis consumption grew from 10% during mid 90s to 50% of population in 2011(Every second person is a stoner? C’mon). It said one headshop opens up every new week. Some Irish Freedom Organization bombed the Nirvana Headshop last month because they think headshops are evil.

Best answer:

Answer by Guru Hank
Because the beer is so expensive.

Yes, Dublin did have a bad smack problem a few years ago, don’t know if it is the same now.

Answer by Declan
Alcohol is very normal in Ireland. Every body drinks. Its how family and friends celebrate. Its just how things are done.

With the drugs its the same all over the world. Good people getting into bad habbits.

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